Thursday, November 24, 2011



In conclusion my message that i want to get to the reader is to not use illegal drugs or drugs in general. Their effects are very bad and sometimes are sever. Some effects of drugs are cancer, death etc. If you want to stop using drugs you should live somewhere drug-free and clear your house of any drugs there are so you don't get tempted and get on drugs again.

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Saturday, November 19, 2011


Another name for Marijuana is Cannabis. Marijuana comes from the Cannabis plant which is why it is called the Cannabis Drug. Marijuana is illegal but it has some good effects. It is used for medical purposes. Cannabis is a very useful drug in medical purposes but if used in a bad way it may kill. Marijuana was illegal for less of 1% of the time it was discovered. Marijuana isnt a recent discovery. It has been discovered for such a long time now. 

Opium can be used as medicine and they discovered that 60,000 years ago. It evolved 100 million years ago in Central Asia and West Asia. In 6000 BC West Asian farmers were already growing opium in their fields so opium isn't a recent discovery. 

Heroin is a highly addicting and rapidly acting opiate. Heroin can come in different forms like in America they use to sell it as powder at least 3,091,000 U.S. residents aged 12 and older have used heroin at least once in their life. In the western united states heroin is usually sold as a solid. The color of it is black in color.

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Hi today i am going to talk to you about illegal drugs and this page is going to consist a video and some pictures shown above and a blog and a conclusion and a bibliography. 

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